Thursday, 20 June 2013

Kale Chips

Kale chips.  Ever heard of 'em?
I hadn't until a few months ago via Facebook.
It seemed many of my friends were big fans
of it.  So I investigated.  I found an easy recipe
quickly modified it to one I liked better (that's just my style).
Here's how it goes:
1. Buy a big bunch of Kale.
 It's really quite cheap (around $1 a pound) and comes in purple or green.
I chose this wonderful purple.
Well....maybe the kids chose the wonderful purple and I said, "okay."

2. Trim the stems off the Kale and wash.
I found it easiest to trim with kitchen scissors as opposed to a knife.  There is alot of trimming
to be done, but it goes by quickly.  Washing is definitely recommended!  My Kale came with
free dirt.  I didn't want to eat the dirt so I washed it off.

3. Dry the Kale.
You could air dry or pat dry or salad-spinner dry
I prefer the "Windmill" dry.
You simply place all the Kale in a clean tea towel.
You then gather all four corners of the towel into one hand.
Step outside your home onto your deck/front steps/balcony/terrace/what-have-you
and wing it around like a windmill!!  Remember to keep your "winging" arm straight.
The centrifugal force created keeps the Kale in the tea towel bundle
while sending the water spraying out!
I love it!
Easy, free and no clean up (plus an added arm workout).
 My fav!

4. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
Add the Kale in a single layer.
Sprinkle the Kale with:
 1/2 tsp Kosher salt and
3/4 Tbsp Olive Oil 

5. Bake at 350F for 12-15 minutes.
They should come out crispy with dark edges but not burned.
I think they're great!
I wasn't expecting them to turn out so crunchy, but they do!
They're definitely a fantastic guilt-free snack that will
replace potato chips in our house.

Simple, Homemade and Guilt free!  

Thank you for checking out this tiny blog.
Please come back again soon!

Many more wonderful recipes to come.
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